This project, which dates back to 2009, was Martin Hayes’ first major collaboration outside the Irish tradition. He describes the beginning stages of the relationship with Brooklyn Rider as “an act of faith and a journey into the unknown, because we had no idea what might emerge”.
Violinist and composer Colin Jacobsen notes that Martin was a musician Brooklyn Rider admired from afar for a long time: “In many ways, he represented to us something essential about music that we sometimes felt was missing within the classical training we were receiving back in school. To me, it is the infinitely varied inflections, and the depth of expression within what could seem like a deceptively simple tune, which make Martin a master storyteller with his instrument. Luckily, Martin was intrigued by the idea of what a string quartet could bring to traditional Irish music. Through the help of a number of brilliant arrangers who are fluent with both string quartet writing and Irish traditional music, such as Ljova, Dana Lyn and Kyle Sanna we found a framing for the tunes that feels true to some essential thing about both traditions.”